Does this sound familiar?
No matter how great your work is, you can’t seem to find the right clients. You keep running into business owners who are trying to cut corners with pricing and cringe when they hear what an expert accountant costs.
You’re probably ready to give up on social media and the whole brand-building thing. No matter how consistent you are or how visually appealing your feed becomes, your engagement is minimal. You can’t seem to figure out what you’re doing wrong.
Packaging your service in a premium way seems foreign to you. You’re struggling with pricing and positioning your services in a way that is considerate of your effort while keeping your client happy.
The truth is, not attracting the right customers is draining you emotionally and financially. Let's fix this.
Introducing "Six Figure Firms Group Coaching Program"
The Six Figure Firms Group Coaching Program was created to help you go from underpaid and under-appreciated to having clients begging to work with you.
They don’t miss payments and understand you are their partner in business. They make it easy for you to help them win, and more importantly, they don’t even blink when you tell them your rates.
Have you been examining financial records and advising your clients, but you’re drained from being underpaid and under appreciated? YES?!? Then, this program is for you!
Enrollment Closes Jan 31 2021!
You deserve the best!
Can you imagine being a sought-after expert and being paid what your worth?
Join the Six Figure Firms Group Coaching Program and I'll teach you how to build a premium, profitable, and sustainable firm that attracts clients that make it easy for you to help them win, and more importantly they don't even blink when you tell them your rates.
What's Included:
Total value is $15,597 but you'll only pay a fraction of that cost!
Instant access to the Six Figure Firms Digital Content training (value $697)
Bi-weekly LIVE Virtual trainings with me on different parts of my signature framework (a total of 12 sessions) ($5k value)
6 months Support via private Coaching Portal (NOT a stale Facebook group) ($1200 value)
2 virtual 1-on-1 calls with me throughout program (45min each; $700 value)
Unlimited access to me via my Coaching Portal... private group where you can access shared files like my sales scripts, marketing guides, pricing templates, etc. And chat with me whenever you need it! ($8,000 value)
What They're Saying
"My coaching experience with Kendra completely changed the way I do business"
Germeen G - Your Life & Finance
Six Figure Firms Signature Frame Work
Here are just some of the main topics you'll learn in the training:
- 1. How to be a Sought Out Advisor
- 2. Positioning & Packaging
- 3. Pricing
- 4. Online Marketing
- 5. Offline Marketing
- 6. Sales Calls
- 7. Scaling: Manage Your Pipeline; Grow a Team; Systems & Structure